Mystic Amista ~ Psychic Tarot Reader, Psychic Mentor, Medium & Reiki Master

[email protected]

I am a Missouri girl transplanted to Colorado.
I grew up in the Bible belt, was taught that anything to do with the psychic world was of the devil and to be avoided at all costs unless I wanted to end up burning in hell for eternity. I was curious about psychic things, but was not willing to take that kind of chance with my soul. I avoided just about everything to do with it.
Fast forward to the year of 2011. My significant other passed away. Four hours after His death, he and I, very much to my surprise, began to have conversations back and forth in which I clearly heard His thoughts that were directed towards me. It was during this time that I began to question the validity of all the teachings I had heard from a young age around communication with spirits.
I began to investigate ESP, psychic claims, the paranormal and mediumship. Wondering how much of it was really real and how much was bogus scammers.
What I found is that many who are involved in these types of activities are lovely, lovely souls, who care very much about the integrity and the responsibility of what they do. These people helped me to realize and appreciate that I have a gift to offer those around me. A gift that brings them comfort, clarity and help.
Over the years I have found that mediumship readings have the potential to bring greater peace to the clients who request them. It is always my honor to get to bring through a message for a loved one from someone who has crossed over. 
It is my intention to bring all of my psychic tarot clients real clarity as they make the decisions that are so important to them on their journey through this lifetime.​
Since discovering my psychic abilities, I have also been exploring ideas about healing from a spiritual point of view. After taking some classes on self-healing, I was able to adapt those concepts and found them useful to improve the well being of those around me as well. ​Since then I have been involved in reiki at the practitioner and master levels.
The healings and wonders that Spirit continues to show me through reiki always keep me excited. I love to teach reiki classes to pass on to others the ability to bring Reiki to bear in their lives and situations. I also continue to do the treatment sessions for clients, always looking forward to the good things they have to tell me after their sessions! My goal with the reiki is to be a real and tangible help to all who request my services in that area. ​
Over the last few years I have felt the nudge growing to become more of a mentor, as well as to continue my readings and Reiki practice. Nothing brings me more joy than to facilitate as someone realizes they have psychic abilities too, and to support them on their journey moving forward with those, wherever in their life they want to make good use of them.
Thank you for taking the time to find out more about me.
I'm very much looking forward to working with you soon. :)
Peace to all.

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