Spiritual Development Circle
These happen every Fourth Saturday of the month from 4:00pm - 6:00pm at
For Heaven's Sake
2680 Youngfield St.
Lakewood, Co. 80215
This is a fun and interesting opportunity to explore and practice your own intuitive abilities in a spiritually safe space with other people at all different skill levels.
After this circle, you will have more confidence in your intuitive abilities.
People who will benefit from this circle are:
~Those who are curious about psychic and mediumship abilities
~Those who don’t know if they have any abilities at all but would like to find out
~Those who are just discovering their abilities and would like to understand them better
~Those who have used their abilities regularly in the past but have gotten away from it and would like to get back into doing that more consistently
~Those who use their abilities on a regular basis but would like to have the fun and excitement of doing something different with new, like-minded people.
Amista Bennett is a professional psychic tarot reader, Reiki Master and Medium. She has been serving the public as a lightworker since 2012. One of her biggest passions is to help other people understand that they can tap into their connection with the Divine and use the information that comes out of that to move forward more productively and happily in their lives.
Cost is $35.00 per person.
To register to attend the next workshop in person, call For Heaven's Sake. Their number is: 303-284-3470
Connect with Loved Ones Who Have Crossed Over
Mediumship Gallery Reading
June 28, 2024
5:30 to 7:00pm
For Heaven's Sake
2680 Youngfield St.
Lakewood, Co. 80215
Amista first realized that she had a gift in 2011. Her significant other had crossed over and she began to talk with him psychically at that time. She has brought many messages through for other people since then and is delighted when those messages bring comfort or clarity to the people who are still here.
If you have been longing to hear from someone who has crossed over, now is the perfect time to attend a gallery reading! This will be a fascinating and fulfilling event!
Cost is $45.00 per person.
To register to attend the next workshop in person, call For Heaven's Sake. Their number is: 303-284-3470
Tarot Tells All
Tarot Gallery Reading
May 16, 2024
5:00 to 7:00pm
For Heaven's Sake
2680 Youngfield St.
Lakewood, Co. 80215
In this Gallery reading Amista will be reading cards psychically for attendees while mixing in tips for the art of reading the cards accurately.
You should expect to come away from this event with some transformational messages for your life to help you move forward in it productively. In addition, you will hear some tips and tricks about how to improve your personal reading skills as they apply to your everyday life.
This event will benefit:
~ those who are curious about the tarot but have never had their cards read before
~ those who are fascinated by the tarot and it’s use
~ those who are looking for a little guidance or confirmation of something in their lives
~ those who want to have their cards read but don’t feel the need for a full on reading
~ those who already know and love the tarot, who enjoy the idea of someone else reading for THEM
~ those who read the tarot for themselves or for friends who would like to see how someone else reads and who might like some insider tips and tricks to reading accurately
~ those who are skeptics and would love to see a tarot demonstration up close and personal so that they can pick it apart intellectually….you are Amista’s favorites, actually, and are totally welcome. :)
Amista Bennett is a professional psychic tarot reader and has been reading in this way for the public since 2012. Her experience and daily relationship with the tarot show in the deep insights that she offers through her classes and events. One of her biggest passions is to help other people understand that they can tap into their connection with the Divine (via tarot and otherwise) and use the information that comes out of that to move forward more productively and happily in their lives.
Cost is $30.00 per person.
To register to attend the next workshop in person, call For Heaven's Sake. Their number is: 303-284-3470